Lori Puma, SGCE

After days of writers block, you are a 10,000-word breakthrough.

Mike Libera, “Finderscope”

Julia’s insights not only offered constructive criticism on character development, story structure, and a much needed clarity around POV, but also provided me an opportunity to discuss what the story meant to me, directly. Her observations allowed me to recognize some pitfalls, get out of my own way, and see why I had trouble creating a meaningful ending. Her succinct summary notes also gave me the chance to put the work away for a period of time – and revisit with a fresh, but insightful map to reworking the manuscript.

Allison Fairhurst, SGCE, “Saving Anna”

Working with Julia Blair has been an absolute blessing. She is professional, kind, and has an amazing ability to hone in on soft spots in a way that blows me away. I have no idea where my novel would be—or where I would be as a writer—without her superb guidance.

Krista Timaeus, author of Beloved Land

Working with Julia was an invaluable step forward in the process of writing my novel. Once I had a completed first draft, I needed an experienced editor to help me see if the story was working as I hoped it was. Julia helped me see my own protagonist’s journey much more clearly than I had, which has now allowed me to go into the revision process with a clear way forward, rather than moving in the dark.

Jim Eustace, “New West”

Your editing was tremendously helpful, specifically, within the structure of how you were able to say, I think if you developed this tension sooner than you’ll get more, it’ll tie in throughout the story. And you can even leverage it more, it was all just incredibly helpful. And, therefore, because it was so specific, I was able to go and take action on it and have it be really high value changes that were that were in real specific spots. I guess enabled is the word like. I feel really enabled to go and make it better.